Do not be afraid, just have faith
/In today’s Gospel reading (Mark 5:21-43) we get a powerful lesson on the importance of having humility and an unwavering faith in God’s love and omnipotence during prayers of petition and intersession. This reading contains two stories that blend together. First, upon Jesus’ return to the West coast of the Sea of Galilee, Jairus, one of the synagogue leaders, asked Jesus to go to his house and heal his daughter who was deadly ill. He knew without any doubt that all Jesus had to do was lay His hands on her and she would be healed. He asked in humility as he fell at Jesus’ feet and begged for his help.
On the way to Jairus’ house a crowd was following Jesus and pressing on him. In the middle of this chaotic walk a woman touched Jesus’ garment and Jesus knew a miracle had been performed, “Who touched my garments?” This woman had been hemorrhaging for 12 years and despite working with doctors she was then worse. This condition made her legally impure (Leviticus 15:25) and anything or anyone she touched would also become impure, so besides the physical issues she was dealing with she had to deal with the shame and rejection of her condition. She did not demand anything, but humbly and quietly touched His garment knowing that showing Jesus her love with her unfaltering faith was all that was needed for her healing. She also showed us her tremendous faith in Him, “If I touch even his garments, I shall be made well.” In fact, she was instantly healed, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace and be healed of your disease.”
When Jesus reached Jairus’ house there was weeping and wailing as the 12-year-old girl had died, and someone told Jairus to not bother the Teacher as it was too late. Jesus told Jairus, “Do not fear, just have faith.” How many times when dealing with pain and suffering in life do we come in contact with negative people that only add to our pain, and we become discouraged? “Don’t pray to Jesus, it’s too late.” We need to remember Jesus’ words, “Just have faith.” Jesus then held the girl’s hand and commanded her to arise from death, and she immediately arose and started walking. This little girl was saved because of the humility and powerful faith shown by her parents.
Following this event Jesus went to Nazareth and was rejected and ridiculed because they did not believe the son of the carpenter, they grew up with could be the Son of God. Despite Jesus’ omnipotence, their lack of faith made it impossible for Jesus and his disciples to perform miracles. “And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands upon a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief.” (Mark 6:5-6)
“Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on let me stand. Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.”
When we pray for our needs or the needs of others, we need to do it humbly, but with absolute conviction that God will listen and will lovingly help us. I always finish my prayers of petition by asking in the name of Jesus that God grants my petition or what we truly need in accordance with His will. What matters most is the salvation of our soul, and sometimes the difficulty I’m dealing with or the illness I’m suffering through are what I need at this point in my life on the path to greater closeness with God. So, God may not grant exactly what I ask, but he will listen and lovingly act on what I need.
God bless you!