My father was miraculously healed through the intervention of St. Therese
St. Therese of Liseux
20 years ago I prayed to St. Therese to intercede to God for my father’s healing from a critical heart situation and we witnessed a miracle. St. Therese of Lisieux, also know as Therese of the Child Jesus and also as “the little flower of Jesus” said:
“When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens, I will spend my heaven by doing good on earth.”
We indeed had the blessing to receive one of those roses from heaven.
About 20 years ago my father had a heart attack and had to go through a quadruple by-pass surgery. The operation went well and he was recuperating normally. Several months later his health started to deteriorate and fast. He had no energy to do anything. He would walk for a small distance and had to sit down. Tests showed that he again had blockage in his heart and his heart was operating at a small fraction of its capacity. Because of his diabetes he doesn't heal fast and veins tend to close overtime and create blockage. He went to some of the best doctors in Puerto Rico and they said there was no hope. The blockage was in a place that they just could not get to, particularly after the effects of the last surgery. He had to live with this debilitating condition which was just going to get worse over time. Then a doctor referred him to the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C., one of the best cardiac hospitals, "just in case" they could help him. He had to undergo a number of complicated tests, to include some type of internal photos and a movie of the heart. This was submitted to see if the surgeons at this hospital would take the chance with him. The answer came back..., it was a difficult surgery, but they were going to try as they saw a possible way to heal him. Great!
Days before we all went to D.C. I was at the Little Flower Church, named after St. Therese, for my normal 3 AM weekly prayer slot at the Adoration chapel. I, of course, prayed to Jesus for my dad’s healing. At 4 AM before leaving the darkly lit and silent church I knelt and prayed to St. Therese to please intercede to God for my dad’s successful surgery. I felt peace and joy. The next day in the middle of the day I had the urge to research St. Therese and a miracle involving a little girl brought about through her intercession caught my eye for its beauty. Coincidently (so I thought) the miracle happened in D.C., in a church I never heard of called The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. I looked up this basilica and it was beautiful.
We drove to DC, and after picking up my parents at the airport, we got to the hospital late at night for him to be admitted two days earlier for tests. I opened the curtains of my father's room and I could not believe my eyes! Right across from his room is the same Basilica where the miracle I read about happened. The church was beautifully illuminated at night. Could this be a sign that his surgery will be successful? Can you believe it? Out of all Washington DC the hospital is across from this church and his room window perfectly positioned to look into this beautiful basilica. The next day, on Sunday, we went there for mass. It was one of the most beautiful and Holy Spirit-filled masses of our life. All of us were crying, moved by the love of the Holy Spirit within our souls. After mass (there most have been 1,000 people there) my mother says "let's see if the priest prays for my Papo." I complained because there was no way we would be able to get to the priest. Lo and behold, the priest walked by at that time and my mother asked him to pray and he and all of us put our hands over my dad and the priest said the most beautiful prayer for healing… in Spanish! (our primary language). How did he know we spoke Spanish?
During the day of the surgery the doctor wanted to study the heart movie again before operating. Because they could not find the movie originally sent (only the internal photos) they decided to take it again. Four or so hours later they bring us to the room where my father was recuperating. He looked amazingly well and was talking completely normal. The doctor comes in to tell us how it went. We were stunned when he told us that he did not operate. The new movie showed his heart was perfect. No issues at all. He showed us the printouts of the photos submitted before and the ones he took that day, and now the heart had no blockage. He said his heart was as healthy as that of a man 20 years his junior. We asked how this could possible be. The doctor simply looked up to heaven and pointed up with his finger, insinuating Divine intervention. We went straight to the hospital chapel to give thanks to God. Profusely!
The next day my father felt so good that we spent the entire day walking all over DC looking at the museums, the mall, monuments, etc. Before he could not walk 30 feet before needing to sit down out of air, and that day he was walking like a younger man without any heart problems. Praise be Jesus! Thanks St Therese for your loving intercessory prayer!
Basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception